Monday, December 16, 2013

A semester has ended, and a month long break begins.

Hello readers!!  Sorry I haven't updated lately but between long drives back to school and the stress of finals giving you a daily entry for my favorite things has gotten away from me.  When I arrived at UCM in August I didn't think winter break would come so quickly...but as I journey back home, books bought back, and the stress of finals is over I am so happy to sleep in my own bed and eat real food...not that processed stuff.  As I reflect on the semester I am remembering all that God has blessed me with this semester.  I have been blessed with an amazing Christian Campus House family that taken me in as part of this amazing community of Christ followers.  Gaining so many new friends at CCH has been a huge blessing.  We go out to eat, do our small group on Wednesday nights, and hang out on the weekends.  After having a rough start at college, I never imagined I could be where I am today without CCH.  Also I was blessed with an amazing new sister in October.  She is such an inspirational person and I can't wait to see her in a week with my brother!  Lastly, I have been blessed to have grown closer to my father God.  He has done such amazing work in my mind, body, and spirit these past few months.  Life isn't ever easy, but all you gotta do is believe God will get you through.  

On another note, things have been good in other ways too.  I'll be back on soon to display my favorite things...I promise this time!!  

"Though She But Little She is Fierce"

Enjoy your break college friends!!  

Thanks Guys!! πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ˜ΈπŸ˜ƒπŸŽ…πŸŽπŸŽ„